445 Pink - Lux Alpaca Faux Fur Trench Coat - Notch Collar - Perception0one.com
445 Pink - Lux Alpaca Faux Fur Trench Coat - Notch Collar - Perception0one.com
445 Pink - Lux Alpaca Faux Fur Trench Coat - Notch Collar - Perception0one.com
445 Pink - Lux Alpaca Faux Fur Trench Coat - Notch Collar - Perception0one.com
445 Pink - Lux Alpaca Faux Fur Trench Coat - Notch Collar - Perception0one.com

445 Pink - Lux Alpaca Plush Trench Coat - Notch Collar

Regular price $30.00
Tax included.


Lux Alpaca Faux Fur Trench Coat - Notch Collar 

BEST SELLER!    Get it while it lasts....

DESCRIPTION: Dress it up and hit the scene or wear it for the ultimate layering item when your needing something over your jeans or leggings this Fall. 

Pair it with a leopard print scarf and you'll feel so lux!


CATEGORY:  Women’s Outerwear



* Solid long haired faux fur

* Long sleeve

* Slim sleeve and oversized body for easy fit

* Easy front closure

* Turn down notch collar